Havens care proFessionals
Do you and your loved ones need to heal? Systemic oppression means systemic problems, and we treat them at the root. Havens torchbearers can use the platform to become Havens Care Professionals and incubate new Havens facilities. After completing your Life Enhancement plan, you can move on to using those same holistic approaches to heal others from systemic disorders.
Community Centers and Multi-Family Homes
Become part of a proactive community of trauma informed healers sharing and advancing Life Enhancement Strategies for those most devastated by systemic inequality. Let's work to cure systemic disorders and remove systemic obstacles by creating a world wide network of Family Havens and Havens Vibe Centers facilitated by Havens Care Professionals.
Heal and
Be Healed
Havens is cultivating holistic healing and critical consciousness as a lifestyle. Havens members get access to a global community of healers, homes and community centers that specialize in the most advanced life enhancement modalities in the world. We optimize resilience to systemic oppression and inequality.
Transcending economic inequality
Heart Centered Dynamic Therapy
Functional Physical Therapy
We take the Mystery out
of iniquity
Unity is a super power and so is organization. With Havens, we can combine crowd wisdom and big data to make Havens the most effective platform for Life Enhancement in urban communities. Symptoms of systemic oppression such as PTSD, Depression, SUD and anxiety disorders can all stem from systemic disorders such as Invisibility Syndrome. `
Life Enhancement Plan
A Life Enhancement Plan is a roadmap for your own personal development and liberation. The portal will help you to work with your practitioners and Havens Family to address every critical aspect of your holistic well being. As cultural hubs for our most endangered communities, we prioritize a Ceremonial Grade Lifestyle that optimizes the whole self.
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Our Cultural Healing Centers solve the problems treated yet often exacerbated by mental hospitals, group homes, prisons, foster homes, substance abuse treatment facilities, tent cities and homeless shelters.
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